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The 4Cs ePortfolio Contest

As you work through the Spring 2024 semester, we want to help you build an online ePortfolio of your academic achievements that you can use to bolster your resume, show off to employers or Admissions teams at transfer colleges and universities, and spotlight your hard work

The 4Cs ePortfolio Contest will help you do all those things and put you in the running for cash prizes at the end of the semester! A prize of $250 will be awarded for a winner in each Academic Division (Arts and Humanities, Health Sciences and Professional Studies, and STEM)  with first runners-up receiving $100.

Sponsored by the Cape Cod Community College Educational Foundation’s Virginia and Irving Bartlett Award, the ePortfolio Contest is open to ALL students.

Submission Deadline is 11:59pm on May 7th

Here’s how it works:

  • Through February and March our Career Services team will have in-person and virtual Zoom sessions that will teach you how to create a free ePortfolio profile on LinkedIn.
  • Whatever your program of study is at 4Cs, create or enhance your existing LinkedIn profile to showcase noteworthy items you have created while being a student at 4Cs.  This can be anything from videos to term papers and everything in between. It’s your chance to make your work shine.
  • Once you’re ready, submit your ePorfolio for consideration via our Contest Form (link at the top of the page or click here!).
  • A panel of 4Cs faculty, academic leadership, and professional staff will review all student submissions. Entries will be judged on the four Cs of Clarity (how distinct and understandable is the ePortfolio); Content (representation of one or more learning outcomes); Context (learning reflection and growth); and Compliance (how well does the submission comply with the contest rules). 

Need some help? Check out this pdf: How to Create an ePortfolio

Submit your ePortfolio

Each portfolio must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Be created using the standard (free) version of a LinkedIn profile.
  2. Include a Headline section, a Profile Summary, and a Feature Section (the Feature Section is the core of the ePortfolio where you can creatively build your presentation out).
  3. In your Feature Section, showcase two (2) or more academic artifacts related to your career/educational goals. For example, you can feature papers that you have written, class projects, lab reports, awards, industry certifications, badges, results of independent studies, and more. Each artifact can include images and links to external media like YouTube and social media.

In describing each artifact, you should highlight and reflect on your achievement. Try to show how you have grown in  one or more of the following competencies: 

    1. Communication and Advising (your ability to coordinate with others to succeed)
    2. Data Analysis and Synthesis (your ability to analyze performance and outcomes)
    3. Data Management (your ability to collect, verify, and analyze information securely and efficiently)
    4. Information Management (your ability to document design, procedures, activities, and obtain information from relevant sources)
    5. Interaction with Technology (your ability to program computer systems or programs)
    6. Organizing, Planning, and Prioritizing Work (your ability to identify activities and then prioritize accordingly)
    7. Process Control (your ability to monitor operations and equipment)
    8. Quality Control/Assurance (your ability to use judgment to inspect the characteristics of a product, materials, or equipment)
    9. Thinking and Making Creatively (your ability to develop research plans, models, and processes to create visual designs or displays)

Submit your ePortfolio