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Early Childhood Education

ECE Program Outcome Data

As part of the program’s achieving and maintaining NAEYC accreditation, it must report annually on the following measures:

In the chart below, please indicate the number of program completers for the three most recent academic years. (Note: the percentages in each row should add up to 100%)

Academic YearNumber of program completers% of program completers who were attending full-time (at the time of completion)% of program completers who were attending part-time1 (at the time of completion)
2016/2017 ASECE 9 44% 56%
2016/2017 ASETC 3 33% 67%
2015/2016 ASECE 4 25% 75%
2015/2016 ASETC 3 67% 33%
2014/2015 ASECE 8 25% 50%
2014/2015 ASETC 8 75% 50%

ASECE= Career, ASETC= Transfer
1Part-time status is defined by the institution.

What is the published timeframe for full-time candidates to complete the early childhood program(s) included in this Annual Report? 2 years

In the following chart, please indicate the percentage of full-time candidates completing the program within the program's published timeframe for the three most recent academic years for which the program has data.

Program Name: ASECE= Career, ASETC= Transfer

Academic year in which a Fall cohort of full-time students enrolled at the institution (select three sequential years)Percentage of those students who completed the program within 150% of the published timeframePercentage of those students who completed the program within 300% (three times) of the published timeframe
Fall 2014


Fall 2013


Fall 2012




The number and percentage of program graduates employed in the early childhood profession or pursuing further education in the profession within one year of graduation for each of the three most recent academic years for which information is available.

Academic YearNumber of GraduatesNumber of Graduates (and % of total) who are employed in the early childhood profession within one year of graduation*Number of Graduates (and % of total) who are pursuing further education in the early childhood profession within one year of graduation*
2014/2015 – ASECE 8 6 1
2013/2014 – ASECE 2 0** 0**
2012/2013 – ASECE 9 0** 3
2014/2015 – ASETC 8 5 2
2013/2014 – ASETC 4 3 2
2012/2013 – ASETC 1 0** 0**

*The figures in these two columns do not need to add up to 100%
**No response to survey so no data available