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Associate in Arts

English Concentration

The English concentration is for students who plan to transfer as a junior to a bachelor's degree program.

Students who are matriculated and place into developmental math and/or English are required to begin the course sequence in the first semester. Please see an advisor with questions.


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Student Spotlight
Dan Sexton-Riley

English Concentration

Dan Sexton-Riley made the move to Cape Cod in 2016 to start a new chapter in life with his wife and stepdaughter. Embracing his passion, Dan is now an English major, learning with purpose and finding immense joy in his classes. "The discussions in my English classes have been a constant source of happiness for me," says Dan, "and they have sparked a fire within me to teach. The impact of those discussions on society is immeasurable."

Learn more about Dan's story

Excellent employment opportunities abound for students whose critical thinking and writing skills enable them to communicate effectively and clearly, participate in decision making, and learn autonomously. Career fields include education, law, publishing, advertising, public relations, personnel management, administration, writing, and library services.

This occupational profile is provided by O*NET.

See also: What can I do with this major?

Contact Language & Literature Department

Department of Language & Literature
Location Wilkens North 204
Hours Monday–Friday, 7:30am–3:30pm
Phone 774.330.4453