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Coastal Zone Management Technology

The Coastal Zone Management certificate is for persons seeking to acquire skills and knowledge in environmental issues unique to Cape Cod and other coastal regions. This certificate is designed to provide students with up-to-date knowledge of the principles and practices of managing coastal areas to balance environmental, economic, human health, and human activities. Students study coastal ecological systems and the impact man has on these systems, physical oceanography and coastal structures and their relationship to coastal resources. Laws and regulations covering the coastal zone are presented and related to the policies of government.

Students are encouraged to enroll in ENV260 Cooperative Work Experience/Internship.

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Upon completion of the Coastal Zone Management Certificate, students are able to:

  • Work with public and private natural resource/conservation agencies, and environmental consulting companies.
  • Conduct field examinations of various coastal ecosystems and understand the application of science in coastal zone management.
  • Understand the laws and regulations and their relationship to policy making at the local, state, and federal level.

Completion of the Coastal Zone Management certificate prepares a student to obtain a position as a technician. The Department of Labor predicts that job opportunities are expected to increase 10 to 19 percent for all environmental technician occupations through the year 2022. In coastal areas, students may obtain positions that require knowledge of Federal, state and local laws and regulations, as well as soil and species identification. These technicians assist governmental, municipal, and non-profit coastal managers in the preservation and remediation at coastal and recreational areas.

This occupational profile is provided by O*NET.

Contact the Science Department

Pat Phelan, Administrative Assistant
Office Science 201
Phone 774.330.4363
E-mail [email protected]